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Curious Living

May 1, 2021

Many churches are opening as COVID restrictions are lifted. Yet, churches are finding that the number of people that used to worship on their campus is much lower than before. Part of that is due to the concerns some have for their health as well as those who may not be vaccinated yet. However, there is a part of our faithful population that has become accustomed to worshiping at home. We will always have an online option for folks and we value the need for that type of access for those who are unable to attend in person. But, the question is, will people come back? Will they value in-person worship again? Why is it important that we worship in person?

On this episode, you'll hear from our host, Rev. Monica Humpal, and our producer, Derek Fields. As ministry professionals, they will discuss the value of worshiping in person and how this may evolve moving forward.