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Curious Living

Dec 1, 2023

Many of us have either read the book and/or watched the movie at Christmastime. But have we truly listened and watched for how Dickens weaves Christianinty into the story of "A Christmas Carol?" If you, like me, have not paid that close of attention, this episode is for you! 

Guest Info

Reverend Cheryl Kincaid is a...

Nov 1, 2023

Parenting is different today than it was just 40 years ago . . . even just 20 years ago. Christian parens are facing unprecedented challenges when trying to raise children in a Christian household. How can we raise our kids to know God with such obstacles today in society and in the world? Our guest on this episode...

Oct 1, 2023

We would all agree that today's world is incredibly divided. This division isn't just political, it's societal, it's religious, it's even within families and between friends. As people of faith we wonder where God is in that division. How is God, or IS God, working in it for good - to help bridge the divide? Our guest...

Sep 1, 2023

In today's world, "focus" is hard to come by. Our attention spans are shrinking by the minute and the worldly things that distract us become more and more enticing. We can easily lose the limited amount of focus we have and forget to keep our eyes upon the things that really matter in life. Wes Woodhouse shares...

Aug 1, 2023

Welcome to our 50th episode! Thank you for listening! In this episode, we will hear from an incredibly brave woman who endured a devastating tragedy. She not only endured, but she grew closer to God and found an incredible hope throughout her experience. She shares all of this with us in this episode so we hope you'll...